Sunday, April 7, 2013

Me and Shamat

Me and Shamat

Okay, so here is my mythic dream that I had this semester. It is my sincerest hope that no one actually reads this post because it's more personal than I usually get in my academic studies. Unfortunately it is the only dream I have had this semester which had obvious epic roots, was not totally weird and I could remember. Anyway here goes. In the epic of Gilgamesh there is a wild man living out in the wilderness (go figure). He is all hairy and he was raised by gazelles and he spends his time running around with animals and being their friend. He was also made out of clay, which has nothing to do with my actual dream, but fits in well with the clay man archetype we have seen in so many creation stories this semester. Anyway, one day he is running with his gazelle friends by a watering hole when a hunter guy comes upon him. Enkidu leaves unperturbed with his animal friends and they go back to their animal-house, but the hunter guy is afraid because he has just come upon a towering man who is covered in hair and hanging out with gazelles (which at the time was a relatively rare occurrence). He goes home troubled, thinks the whole situation over, and comes up with a course of action. The next day he goes to church and picks up a hooker named Shamat. In those days church was where one did that sort of thing. He says to the hooker "Hey, I found this giant hairy badass out in the woods and I'm kinda freeked out. Any chance you would go have sex with him and try to smooth this whole thing over?" Shamat shrugs and says "Sure, sounds like an afternoon." Shamat goes out to the watering hole where Enkidu is hanging out with his gazelle buddies. Then she undoes all her clothes and reveals her charms to Enkidu. Enkidu is pleased with this so he takes her and she takes in his scent. Then they git down. For 6 days, and 7 nights. After that they talk and Shamat asks Enkidu to beat up Gilgamesh. The story goes on from there, but from here on out it has nothing to do with my dream. Basically over the course of a night I spent seven nights with Shamat and got to be Enkidu. Hell yes.

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